Qualities of good bricks

 Qualities of good bricks 

Bricks which are widely used for every structural element should possess few qualities listed as below:
  • It should be table moulded, sharp edges, uniform in shape, free from cracks and well burnt(kiln burning prefered).

  • It should be of standard size.

  • When it struck together will produce ringing sound.

  • Bricks are homogeneous inside and compact in nature.
  • Bricks should not absorb water more then certain percentage for different class by its own weight. Value in percentage is 20 % for first class bricks, 22 % for second class bricks and 25 % for third class bricks, after immersion in water for 24 hours.
  • Hardness of bricks such that it can not scratch by nail.

  • Brick should not break when it fall from one meter height on a flat surface.

  • It has low thermal conductivity and sound proof.
