Classification of Stones Part 2


Physical Classification

Physical classification based on general structure of the rock. There are mainly three types of rock classified based on their general structure.

  1. Stratified Rocks
  2. Unstratified Rocks
  3. Foliated Rocks

Stratified Rocks

This types of rocks are formed due to layer by layer deposition of minerals. They are possess the plane of stratification or say cleavage which are susceptible to cracking or breaking at that particular point. Sedimentary rocks are also termed as stratified rocks.
Example: Limestone, Slate and Sandstone

Unstratified Rocks

There were no significant stratification in this type of rocks. This are compact granular rocks with same kind of structure through the whole body. Igneous rocks due to volcanic eruption are this kind of rocks and few sedimentary rocks are also unstratified. They are not easily split into slabs.
Example: Granite, Trap and Marble

Foliated Rocks

This type of rocks can split in a definite direction into parts. They are metamorphic in nature.
Example: Gneiss, Phyllite, Schist and Slate

Chemical Classification

In this type of rock classification is based on chemical constituents present in the rocks. They are classified as below:

  1. Siliceous Rocks
  2. Argillaceous Rocks
  3. Calcareous Rocks

Siliceous Rocks

This rocks contains silica as their main constituent. They are strong and durable. They can not be attacked easily by weathering agents like rain, wind, temperature and humidity etc. If silica contains deleterious material in it, it will easily disintegrate and looses it's strength. So as to maintain it's property this rocks should contain free silica as their main constituents.
Examples: Granite, Gneiss, Sandstone and Quartzite

Argillaceous Rocks

This rocks contains clay as their main constituent. They are soft, dense and compacted.
Examples: Slate, Laterite, Kaoline and Shale

Calcareous Rocks

This rocks contains calcium carbonate as their main constituent. This type of rocks behave based upon their surrounding atmosphere and chemicals present in it.
Examples: Limestone, Marble, Chalk and Marine Shale

"To Be Continued..."
