Basics of Building Material

Building Materials

Engineering structures are made up of different kind of materials. These materials are called as materials for construction. They are also termed as Building Materials and Engineering Materials too. It is essential for an engineer to become familiar with different properties of different materials.

The life period of building requires capacious range of materials and all sorts of characteristics such as:

  1. Water resistance
  2. Temperature resistance
  3. Strength
  4. Durability
  5. Workability
  6. Appearance etc.

to be properly studied and identified for the final selection of any material for any purpose in an engineering structure for particular use.

Combination of different materials for different uses is done based on their main constituent of which a particular material is made up of. For a wide range of structural member different types of materials are required for it's completion. There are variety of materials available in market place of similar property, at this stage the choice of any particular is on the head of in charge person based on economy as well as  final output.


It is necessary to make few standard norms and specifications regarding materials in a market so that manufacturing process is regulated based on few important rules followed by all the manufacturers. Quality and quantity both the aspect should be taken care of. Most of the material needs to be manufactured at maximum possible economic rate.

Due to ample use of materials it's production running far lag behind demand in market, hence it plays an important role in economy of our country.

We will study about different sorts of material turn by turn as listed below:

Cement Concrete

Plastic  etc 

To Be Continued...
